Hi Andreas,
Yes, the FDT is missing some of the sensors compared to the last release. This U-Boot uses an FDT based on the Linux kernel version, where we are not allowed to add bindings for devices that aren’t in the official schema yet.
The fan controller binding also changed for the new fan driver I wrote, which U-Boot shares the code with. It will probably change again when it is eventually up-streamed.
(I think I will just update traverse-sensors to have this version)
I need to figure out a way to handle them. For compliance purposes (SystemReady) we need to hide any bindings that aren’t in the device tree schema. so there might be a variable that controls when they are shown.
You can ignore those messages. They were for troubleshooting issues during development where different FDT blobs were being passed.
The second error message is caused due to the device tree already been processed by U-Boot. Before the bootflow system this only happened just before hand off to Linux.
I am planning to do another release near the end of July. I will be on vacation for the next few weeks.