Updated OpenWrt/muvirt/kernels + SFP info for LuCI

@alborotogarcia Try this build:
Besides the DHCP issue, a recent change to how cloud-config is handled in muvirt caused the k3os config to not be generated.

Yes, I have seen the BlueKrypto image, I’ll change the default URL in the next wizard.
I am also considering building another version of the wizard using openSUSE microOS, though it may not be as “nice” as k3os.

@mcbridematt I’ve just upgraded the kernel image and no luck so far… got stuck at LUCI console and got Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). when going via ssh

@mcbridematt I’ve updated to the latest muvirt (muvirt 22.03.2+traverse r19803-9a599fee93) and have hit some issues with the restool command (for DPAA2) under muvirt now. I’m using a version of the script you provided before to create a passthrough. The script issues a series of commands, the first few here:

DPRC=$(restool -s dprc create dprc.1 --label="child VM dprc" \

DPNI=$(restool -s dpni create --container="${DPRC}")

What happens is the restool -s dpni create --container command fails with an error:

  • restool -s dpni create ‘–container=dprc.2’
    MC error: Unsupported operation (status 0xb)

I also see this in the syslog:

[  293.533494] fsl_mc_dprc dprc.1: MC command 0x2171: unknown module ID 0x17
[  293.594899] fsl_mc_dprc dprc.1: MC command 0x2171: unknown module ID 0x17
[  348.498329] fsl_mc_dprc dprc.1: MC command 0x2171: unknown module ID 0x17
[  348.557444] fsl_mc_dprc dprc.1: MC command 0x2171: unknown module ID 0x17
[  379.540597] fsl_mc_dprc dprc.1: MC command 0x2171: unknown module ID 0x17
[  379.601876] fsl_mc_dprc dprc.1: MC command 0x2171: unknown module ID 0x17

Do you have any suggestions?

Note: I just downgraded to muvirt (muvirt 21.02-SNAPSHOT r0+16391-a48a2a86b9) for the time being to get Rockstor operational again (as it was using a DPAA2 interface).

OpenWrt 22.03 has a newer restool version, unfortunately it doesn’t work with the older MC firmware version we currently distribute

Try removing the restool package and installing this version:

I’ll give that a try later tonight and let you know. Regarding the MC firmware, is that something which we will eventually be able to update?

I’ve actually kept the release version back because passthrough/VFIO is broken in some of the more recent versions. I think it’s because QEMU or something else has to be updated as well. (It’s on my TODO list)

We do have some customers running more recent ones but those aren’t doing VFIO.

The MC firmware releases can be downloaded from here: GitHub - NXP/qoriq-mc-binary. To update the running version, just flash them into the “mcfirmware” MTD partition.

@mcbridematt I confirm that with OpenWRT 22.03 and the restool you provided, restool now functions as expected and I can boot my Rockstor VM with the DPAA2 interface passthrough.

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